Living Estate of Dr. Richard Herz of Kenosha, Wisconsin

Dr. Herz was an avid outdoorsman & collector but has lost his sight so is offering his collections in an online-only auction.

This auction was originally scheduled to close Jan. 31, but was delayed due to weather.


Auction will end February 20th, 2024, beginning at 9 am CST with a soft close.

It will be available for bidding January 27th and items may still be added.


PARTIAL LIST: Dinosaur & other bones, human & animal skulls, African ceremonial masks & other art, other early masks, Navajo rugs & other important Native American including Mayan & Inuit, important 18th century & later books, 33” cannon, early Japanese matchlock rifle, flintlock blunderbuss, zebra, buffalo, & other taxidermy, bear rug, Winchester bear dogs print, antique engravings, maps, paintings, 1540 Italian plate, Asian art, bronzes, carvings, Oriental rugs, wool blankets, vintage men’s custom leather, fur, wool & suit coats, Western saddle & equestrian clothing, carved German oak desk & china hutch, chairs, pantry cupboards, vintage leather sofa, chopping block & other furniture, large ship’s helm, dental cabinets & tools, silver & pewter, china, pottery, pocket & handmade knives, pens & inkwells, WW2 Japanese good luck flag, framed patches & ribbons worn at Abraham Lincoln’s funeral and in respect. Local Kenosha, WI items, Chicago White Sox team signed balls, and so much more.

Major Wisconsin State Services

Major Wisconsin State Services

Major Wisconsin State Services

Gregory Klug Sr. Certified Appraiser & Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer 584 DBA Major Wisconsin Auctions

217 W Main St., Suite B
Cambridge, WI 53523
Phone 920-723-4309
Terms are posted in the auction