Phone (207) 832-4888 • Toll-free 1-877-237-6623
Email [email protected]
Next Deadline: Wednesday, February 5
Contrary to our title, Maine Antique Digest is not just a New England publication. Demographics are available on request.
There is no charge for composing ads, including layout, typesetting, or processing your photographs. If you send us a rough sketch of your ad, we’ll be glad to do the rest. Advertising copy is not accepted over the telephone.
What M.A.D. needs from you:
• Business name, billing address, and the issue(s) in which the ad will appear.
• Ad size, and whether it is color or black-and-white.
• Ad copy.
• Photos should be sent in the highest resolution possible. Do not edit or resize your photos. When sending from your phone choose the largest file option.
• Prints and hard copy logo art may be supplied in lieu of digital images. These will be scanned and returned to you.
When creating your ad:
• Digital images should be a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
• Line art, such as logos, must be at least 600 dpi.
• Black text needs to be 100% Black (NOT CMYK or RGB).
• Colored text must be at least 10 point and CMYK.
• PDFs must be exported as PDF/X-4. This is best for our print production. Fonts and images must be embedded. In lieu of a PDF, we accept Adobe InDesign (PC or Mac) files.
• When exporting PDFs DO NOT include trim or bleed marks.
• Please send PDFs sized exactly to M.A.D.’s size specifications.
• Proofread your ad carefully. With few exceptions, we cannot make changes to PDFs.
• If the ad is composed in Quark XPress, Microsoft Publisher, or Microsoft Word, please send copy and photo files separately.
• Files that can’t easily be emailed can be sent via WeTransfer. Call or email for details.
• BLEEDS - Bleeds are available only for ads that are half-page and larger. Please NO trim or bleed marks. Create your ad by selecting a size from our display sizes on the next page. For bleeds, add a .70" bleed on all sides. Export with NO trim or bleed marks. A .70" bleed allows maximum flexibility when placing ad on the page.
• Facing page Ads - When designing facing page ads: Create as separate pages. Design elements (text and images) should NOT run from one page to the other.
• Position is not guaranteed.
• Front cover, back cover, and inside cover ads are available by reservation only.
All shows and auctions are listed on the calendar. The calendar is included on our website at no extra charge, with dates, location, and contact information for each advertised event.
We recommend choosing the issue that corresponds to the month of the event, rather than the issue with closest mail date. For example, a July 21 auction should be advertised in the July issue. Postal delivery may take up to ten business days after the mail date. We discourage advertising any event that takes place during the delivery window. Doing so is at your own risk, and the ad will not be discounted or refunded if the issue is delivered after the date advertised.
Maine Antique Digest classified ads are $1.00 per word, $25 minimum charge. Photographs or line art with classifieds are $10 extra. They will not exceed 1½" in height in publication. All classified ads must be paid in advance; no discounts apply.
Reach out beyond our subscriber base to a global audience by advertising on the M.A.D. website.
• Show and auction ads: These ads appear on the homepage, listed by date. They are $60 per month when combined with a print ad and $140 for Internet only. Includes three images. Additional images are $5 each. Includes links to your website or online auction platform. Renewal is $30 per month without changes and $60 with changes. Ads also running in print are posted by the Monday following print publication. Internet-only ads can be posted as soon as they are created. Dates are added to our calendar for free. A direct link can be listed in this section, without an ad, for $60.
• Featured show and auction ads: $45 upgrade for added visibility. Makes your ad stand out from the rest by displaying it in a featured section front and center on the homepage.
• Dealer Ads: $60 per month. Each ad receives a thumbnail that is added to a rotation at the top of the website.
Every photo or image (including logos) in Internet advertisements published on the Maine Antique Digest website is included at no cost on the website Marketplace for Collectors. Each image is published as a “tile” on the Marketplace for Collectors page, with a link back to the advertisement or to the advertiser’s home page for link-only advertisers. Marketplace for Collectors provides a way for buyers to search for art and antiques visually.
Banner Ads:
There are several options for banner ads on the M.A.D. website.
• Block ad: $365 per month
(315 x 265 pixels, 4.375" wide x 3.681" high)
• Half block ad: $185 per month
(315 x 125 pixels, 4.375" wide x 1.736" high)
• Footer ad: $185 per month
(515 x 105 pixels, 7.153" wide x 1.458" high)
• Calendar page ad: $185 per month
(515 x 105 pixels, 7.153" wide x 1.458" high).
Banner ads can be submitted as JPG, PNG, or GIF files (in RGB), or our graphics department can create your ad at no extra cost.
Special advertising sections are available to promoters of antiques shows with multiple dealers. Promote your show with a section of the paper dedicated exclusively to you and your dealers, all at a discounted rate. The show section must be scheduled well in advance of publication. Call or email for more information.
M.A.D.’s annual Antiques Trade Directory is a comprehensive listing of dealers, auctioneers, show promoters, and service providers that is mailed in December and is also posted on M.A.D.’s website. The directory includes listings ($65 each) and full-color display ads. Call or see the website for details. Deadline for the 2026 directory is September 19, 2025.
• All display advertisers are eligible for a 10% discount on print ads that are prepaid or paid within ten days of receipt of invoice.
• First-time advertisers must send payment with the ad order. The 10% discount would apply.
• Display advertisers that prepay for six months or more of advertising will receive a 20% discount.
• Ads will not be accepted from those with delinquent accounts. A late payment charge of 1½% a month will be applied to bills that are unpaid 30 days after billing.
• We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
• Canadian/foreign advertisers: Payment in U.S. funds only.
• Advertising agencies: We no longer offer an agency discount.
• No discounts for Internet advertising.