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(Young Collectors)

Those Weren’t the Days
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector As the last boy in his generation in our family, Nat has inherited all the LEGOs. And we do mean all. We have cardboard boxes filled with more than 50 pounds of LEGOs, but for someone who is an engineer in the making, one who enjoys the process ... (Read More)


Farewell to Treadwell Auction
by Frances McQueeney-Jones Mascolo

Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians & Associates, LLC, Portsmouth, New Hampshire The word “bittersweet” and the phrase “last hurrah” hung in the air at Bourgeault-Horan Antiquarians & Associates’ August 18 auction at the Treadwell Mansion in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Billed as “Our Farewell to Treadwell Mansion” in advertising, the auction attracted buyers old and ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Editorial: Uncertainty
by Clayton Pennington

As this issue of Maine Antique Digest is published, thanks to a dedicated crew making sure it reaches the press, uncertainty hangs over the world of art and antiques. Will things ever be the same? The antiques industry, as we’ve all always known, is by no means essential. It’s a place ... (Read More)


Online American Art Sale
by Julie Schlenger Adell

Christie’s, New York City Photos courtesy Christie’s Unlike other auction houses, Christie’s has held online-only American art sales since 2016. Offering lots over a two-week period was not a new endeavor, and the 87-lot sale that ran from July 23 through August 7 appeared to run seamlessly. The auction totaled $3,973,250 with ... (Read More)


Circus, Sideshow, and Oddities Sale
by Danielle Arnet

Potter & Potter Auctions, Chicago, Illinois Photos courtesy Potter & Potter Auctions A smart bidder can find just about anything in a Chicago auction, from a Meissen monkey band to prime mid-century furniture. But one auction house has traveled a different path. Tucked into a North Side neighborhood in the upscale Lincoln ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Exhibitions, July 2021
by M.A.D. staff

Peter Blin, court cupboard, 1685-1700, oak, maple, and pine. The Wallace Nutting Collection, gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1926. —Ongoing —Hartford, Connecticut Humans have an innate tendency to transform the shape and decoration of even mundane items in an effort to satisfy our aesthetic aspirations. Design in the American Home, 1650 to ... (Read More)


MADA Grant Benefits Waldoboro Schoolhouse Renovation
by M.A.D. staff

The Maine Antiques Dealers Association’s Education and Community Grants program, established in 1998, exists to “promote education in, and knowledge of, historical Maine arts and decorative arts.” In order to qualify for the grant, a request must be submitted to the Maine Antiques Dealers Association (MADA). Harry Hepburn of Harrison, Maine, ... (Read More)
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