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(Issue Story)

The Devil's Dictionary of Antiques Collecting: Part 1
by Baron Perlman

Every specialty has its own private language—business, law, politics, the sciences, antiques. Sometimes the intricacies of a profession demand words not in common use: scientists mutter about “cosines,” attorneys about resolutions settled “with prejudice,” and actors about “panning shots.” And this argot is all but demanded by the individual’s field. ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Stars and Bars Barred
by Clayton Pennington

Editorial A California law, passed with little notice several years ago, had good intentions but has brought unintended consequences. The law specifies that the state of California “may not sell or display the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, also referred to as the Stars and Bars, or any similar image, or tangible ... (Read More)


Three Days and 1305 Lots
by Lita Solis-Cohen

Rago Arts and Auction Center, Lambertville, New Jersey Photos courtesy Rago Arts and Auction Center Rago’s three-day 1305-lot design sale in Lambertville, New Jersey, presented in five catalogs, offered American, French, Italian, and Scandinavian furniture, decorations, and a few pieces of jewelry—all made of wood, glass, clay, jade, stone, and metals, from ... (Read More)


New Portland, Maine, Antiques Show Postponed until 2017
by M.A.D. staff

The Maine Antiques Exposition, a new antiques show that had been scheduled by John and Elizabeth DeSimone of Goosefare Antiques & Promotions for October 15 and 16 at Thompson’s Point Events Center in Portland, Maine, has been postponed for a year. The events center has experienced construction delays and will not ... (Read More)

(Issue Story)

Eastfield Village Marches On
by Jonathan Rickard

East Nassau, New York With two years gone since the untimely loss of Don Carpentier, the founder and director of Eastfield Village, 2016 saw a full roster of workshops and conferences at the village. These are the oldest historic preservation workshops in existence, offering hands-on instruction in tinsmithing, blacksmithing, masonry, and, ... (Read More)


MADA Presents Check to Maine Maritime Museum
by M.A.D. staff

On October 12, 2016, the Maine Antiques Dealers Association (MADA) presented the Maine Maritime Museum (MMM) in Bath, Maine, with a $1500 grant for its upcoming permanent exhibit Into the Lantern: A Lighthouse Experience. The museum has a fundraising goal of $980,000 for the one-of-a-kind exhibit, which is set to ... (Read More)

(Young Collectors)

Lost in Translation
by Hollie Davis and Andrew Richmond

The Young Collector You know how when you say a normal word like “apostrophe,” “tailgate,” or “dentistry” over and over that after a while it becomes divorced from its meaning and begins to sound like complete nonsense? Yeah, well, funny thing, but that happens after you read auction catalogs or sales ... (Read More)


Collector, His Companies, and Two Shippers Indicted for Tax Fraud
by M.A.D. staff

Real estate developer and collector Michael Shvo, 43, his companies, Shvo Art Ltd. and Seren LLC, and two shipping companies and their principals were indicted on September 8 in New York City for participating in a scheme to evade the payment of more than $1 million in state and local ... (Read More)

(Book Review)

Books Received, October 2016
by M.A.D. staff

These are brief reviews of books recently sent to us. We have included ordering information for publishers that accept mail, phone, or online orders. For other publishers, your local bookstore or a mail-order house is the place to look. A Bibliography of Maine Imprints, 1785-1820 by Glenn B. Skillin, with a ... (Read More)


NASA Seizes Artifact Sent to It for Verification
by M.A.D. staff

In October 2014 two objects related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were put up for bid in an online auction held by Gaston & Sheehan Auctioneers. A flown, zipped lunar sample return bag with lunar dust had a beginning bid of $20,000. A gray Apollo-era mesh cushion, ... (Read More)
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